THE MISTAKES THAT MADE US: CONFESSIONS FROM TWENTY POETS by Irene Latham and Charles gets a second starred review, this time from Booklist

This charming and insightful collection of poetry from 20 authors explores the topic of mistakes with humor and sensitivity. The book divides the focus into four categories: embarrassing mistakes, mistakes by which we hurt ourselves, mistakes that turn out to be "blessings in disguise," and mistakes that hurt others. Each poem explores a different aspect of making a mistake and is followed by an explanation of how the mistake is an essential part of learning and growing. Linda Sue Park writes about how her pride in her reading prowess got the better of her when her second-grade teacher asked her to read out loud and she stumbled on a word in front of the class. Vikram Madan shares how his reluctance to get glasses caused him to suffer until he finally admitted he needed help. Douglas Florian celebrates the "mistake" he made in art and how it helped him learn new approaches to making his work better. The verses come in a variety of forms, keeping the reading experience dynamic and enjoyable. The strength of this collection comes from the authors admitting their mistakes and going on to explain the value of the resulting learning opportunities. A gentle reminder of the stepping stones making up the path to growth, discovery, and creativity.

 Alana Jara


New York Times bestsellers at the Studio for the week of 10/6/24


Anne Hunter’s WHERE’S BABY? receives the Brazilian Selo Seleção Cátedra 10 – 2023 award