Booklist calls Catriona Silvey’s LOVE AND OTHER PARADOXES an “ingeniously inventive romantic tale that perfectly captures the . . . infinite power of love to inspire artistic creativity”
Love and Other Paradoxes by Catriona Silvey
Mar. 2025. 320p. Morrow, paper, $18.99 (9780063206441); e-book (9780063206465)
Joe Greene only wants one thing in life, to be a great poet. A student at Cambridge, he has yet to achieve his literary goal, a postponement he attributes to the fact that he has never truly been in love. Then one day Joe unexpectedly bumps into Esi Campbell, a young woman who is part of a time-traveling group of tourists from the future. Esi has proof that Joe will become a poet rivaling Shakespeare in fame once he meets his literary muse, an actress named Diana Dartnell. Esi is happy to help Joe capture Diana’s affections, but in truth she has a different motive for visiting the past. She wants to stop an event that will impact her own future. Writing with a divinely dry sense of wit and plenty of cheeky charm, Silvey (Meet Me in Another Life, 2021) dazzles in this ingeniously inventive romantic tale that perfectly captures the dreamy academic appeal of Cambridge and the infinite power of love to inspire artistic creativity.
— John Charles