Anna Liisa Jones

Agent: Peter Ryan

Anna Liisa Jones is a comic book artist and illustrator living in Boulder, Colorado with her wife and one cat (for now).

Born and raised in Wales, Anna Liisa has been drawing comic books since she graduated from the University of Manchester with a degree in Mathematics and decided it was time for something completely different. As well as two personal projects, Anna Liisa has worked on comic series Northstars, Yuki Vs. Panda and various titles from Mayamada in London, as well as provided illustrations for the card game Greedy Wizards. In her spare time, Anna Liisa enjoys crafting costumes and playing tabletop role playing games.

Anna Liisa's style is inspired by both the manga and anime she consumed in her teen years as well as the animated film favorites of her childhood, with an emphasis on expression and energy.

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