Abena Anim-Somuah

Abena Anim-Somuah is a food enthusiast. Born in Accra, Ghana, and primarily raised in Guelph, Canada, she has spent the last few years using food as a modicum to build community and share stories.

Abena is the founder of The Eden Place, a community that is passionate about gathering people through food-based events. She is also the host of The Future of Food is You, a podcast on Cherrybombe's Podcast celebrating up and coming women and creatives in and around the worlds of food, drink, media, and, tech.

Abena writes a weekly newsletter called Le Digestif where she waxes poetic on all things gastronomic as well as offering advice to those wanting to make food more centered to their lives.

You can probably find Abena playing tennis or going for a run, listening to a compelling podcast, or nose deep in a book, ideally food related.